Athletics is not only the image we see in the newspapers of the athlete with his medal and his triumphant smile on top of the podium. In fact, that is just the tip of the iceberg, underwater there is much, much more. That same athlete is sometimes down, or unmotivated, or tired, or just not having a good day. Athletes do not have workout after workout of success and improvement, nothing is further from the truth. A great athlete is not the one who borders on perfection each and every day of the week (that does not exist), but the one who accepts the bad days and continues without losing motivation. Every time I have a bad day there is a choice, the feeling of failure or the feeling of progress. And I always try to choose the second one (although sometimes it is not as easy as writing it), because to fail is part of the progress, because not being at full capacity is part of the way. Without bad days we don't go anywhere, with them we learn and appreciate our successes much more.
See you soon!