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Sep 24, 20201 min read
Adeus, verán
Eu aquí, despedíndome do sol e do verán. Xa é hora de gardar a crema solar e o pucho para sacar o chuvasqueiro e as camisetas térmicas....
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Sep 9, 20201 min read
At the beginning of the summer, coming out of an injury and a period of relative inactivity due to confinement, I realized that my...
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Sep 8, 20201 min read
Ao principio deste verán, saíndo dunha lesión e dun período de relativa inactividade debido ao confinamento, deime conta de que aos meus...
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Sep 7, 20201 min read
A healthy body is the best canon of beauty
Today we live in a society tremendously influenced by appearance, the screen to the outside. Sport is not used to achieve a healthy body...
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Sep 7, 20201 min read
Un corpo sano é o mellor canon de beleza
Hoxe en día vivimos nunha sociedade tremendamente influenciada pola aparencia, a pantalla ao exterior. O deporte non se utiliza como...
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Sep 4, 20201 min read
Galician championship
What is better than doing something you like after a long time? That's what kept going through my mind while I was making sure for the...
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Sep 4, 20201 min read
Campeonatos galegos
Que hai mellor que facer algo que che gusta despois de moito tempo? Iso era o que me pasaba pola cabeza mentres me aseguraba por quinta...
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Sep 1, 20201 min read
Nada é imposible
“A menos que un alude, unha pedra ou a vellez veñan a buscarme, seguirei subindo montañas, namorado da lixeireza espida, buscando o...
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Sep 1, 20201 min read
Nothing is impossible
"Unless an avalanche, a stone or old age comes to get me, I will continue to climb mountains, in love with naked lightness, seeking...
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Aug 30, 20203 min read
What does athletics mean to you?
Running is the link to who I am and who I was. With who I am because it makes the mind and the body, the inside and the outside, come...
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Aug 30, 20202 min read
Que é o atletismo para ti?
Correr é o enlace con quen son e con quen fun. Con quen son porque fai que a mente e o corpo, o interior e o exterior, entren en completa...
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Aug 25, 20201 min read
Bad days
Athletics is not only the image we see in the newspapers of the athlete with his medal and his triumphant smile on top of the podium. In...
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Aug 25, 20201 min read
Días malos
O atletismo non é só a imaxe que vemos nos periódicos d@ deportista coa súa medalla e o seu sorriso triunfal no máis alto do podio. De...
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Aug 17, 20201 min read
Running in Ourense
Summer is a time for adventure, to be out and enjoy the good weather, to go to the beach and the mountains, to see new places... to get...
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Aug 17, 20201 min read
Correndo por Ourense
O verán é tempo de aventuras, de estar fóra e desfrutar do bo tempo, de ir á praia e á montaña, de ver lugares novos... para chegar ao...
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Aug 15, 20202 min read
"Zegama is Zegama" said Kilian Jornet, nine times champion of the Zegama-Aizkorri alpine marathon. And how right he was! Because Zegama...
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Aug 15, 20202 min read
Running during coronavirus
Some situations come up unexpectedly, enter our lives without knocking on the door and remain unsaid until when. Thus, a reality that a...
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Aug 15, 20201 min read
Date balls
This is one of the best! Perfect for before or after training (or any other time for that matter...). Ingredients: - 10 dates. - 1/2 cup...
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Aug 15, 20201 min read
Runner is a book of athletics, yes, and also of much more. It's a book of sacrifice and effort. It is a book that encompasses the life...
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Aug 15, 20201 min read
Edwin Moses was born in Vallehermoso: stories and curiosities of athletics
I recently finished this book, written by the great athletics expert and coach Felipe Barata Villapol, and I was very impressed....
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